#SFFpit - A twitter Speed Date for SF writers

  • Thread starter Thread starter David Steele
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David Steele

Hi all. For the next day, the hashtag #SFFpit will be on twitter.
This is so that everyone gets the chance to pitch their SF / Fantasy novel in a single tweet.

If you are an author with a book that you are seeking agency representation for, now is the time to get into the mix.

If you are NOT taking part, will you please help out others by retweeting their pitches? Please don't favourite / favorite any unless you are an agent!

I would appreciate YOUR support at @parklanddavid if you could Retweet mine.
Please add your own twitter names to this thread and we will RT any that we can.

Many thanks, and good luck

Thanks for the info,I shall look into it. Not that I'm a fan of twitter, but mine is @Alikiwi which I should add into the signature ;)
I don't do Twitter, so am not completely sure what all this is about, but it sounds exciting and I am jumping up and down and cheering you all on in a confused sort of way....Yay!
Yeah I'm starting to wish I did Twitter, as well.
#SFFpit is sooo much better than #PitMad!!

Everyone is so much more proactive with reguard to their fellow writers. It's awesome!
After some research I will be submitting to none of the people who favourited me. I thought Panda Moon Publishing looked pretty good, but there is little known about them and the one review I did find on a forum, was poor. The other two I felt their websites and information were vague and amateur.

Valid point here folks. Just because you 'catch a break' it doesn't mean that you in fact have 'caught a break' ;)

'Once more into the breach, dear friends!'
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