Three 'secret' Waterstones have opened, apparently, sporting independent livery.
Bounders? Cads? What's the problem?
We might care quite a lot or not, about the idea we are supporting an independent book-shop (there is one near me called Plackitt and Booth, Joanna Trollope visited recently, for a book signing and sit down dinner...I didn't go, alas but she is one clever writer... and every so often I am tempted to acquire that four foot toy giraffe in the window)
I used to go in often, and they even sold some books I co-wrote, in aid of raising extra pocket money for a deputation of children visiting from Belarus.
And...small world and all that, this independent bookshop in Lytham has the writer of The Coroner coming, Matthew Hall, as featured in a previous Litopia radio podcast
A writer at that time experiencing tribulations in dealings with the Beeb....
Independent bookshop, or actually Waterstones...
Read on.
Do we give it a big or a teeny-weeny So what?
Bounders? Cads? What's the problem?
We might care quite a lot or not, about the idea we are supporting an independent book-shop (there is one near me called Plackitt and Booth, Joanna Trollope visited recently, for a book signing and sit down dinner...I didn't go, alas but she is one clever writer... and every so often I am tempted to acquire that four foot toy giraffe in the window)
I used to go in often, and they even sold some books I co-wrote, in aid of raising extra pocket money for a deputation of children visiting from Belarus.
And...small world and all that, this independent bookshop in Lytham has the writer of The Coroner coming, Matthew Hall, as featured in a previous Litopia radio podcast
A writer at that time experiencing tribulations in dealings with the Beeb....
Independent bookshop, or actually Waterstones...
Read on.
Do we give it a big or a teeny-weeny So what?