Question: Scriptwriting course

News Attention Poets and short story writers

Inspiration! Tiffany Yates Martin on How to Break Bad

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I'm looking for a good (short) scriptwriting (crash)course. Any recommendations?
Really depends on what you're looking for, Barbara. Years ago I took a fabulous 2-day course with John Truby, who is known as the Hollywood script doctor. It was fascinating (if pricey) and I learned a lot, but mostly about story as opposed to scriptwriting or screenwriting craft. You can get his free webinar online if you're interested. Presumably with it he is flogging his book which is also oriented towards novelists.
There are different script formatting 'rules' for UK and US, and even Aus is different to both (and I think EU is different again). Maybe check out scriptwriting software first (most have a 'free' period).
Look for the differences: scriptwriting, screenwriting, etc. and the places that accept scripts to see what their expectations are regarding format.

In terms of course - is it the 'how to write a story in script format?' or is it 'how to format a script for submission?' or is it something else (TV, Short film, Hollywood/Bollywood)?
To get formatting ideas, there's the imdb page (I'm sure they have full scripts in there somewhere, but they're all the final, polished product from the completed movie. Usually).
There are two Syd Field books about screen and script writing.
I hope that's helpful.
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News Attention Poets and short story writers

Inspiration! Tiffany Yates Martin on How to Break Bad
