question on multiple pov´s

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Jan 1, 2015
For those who have read The Sorcerrer´s Stone, is the pov omniscient? It jumps from a sort of bird´s eye view, to Vernon Dursley, to the Dursley household, to McGonagal and Hagrid and back to bird´s eye view, I believe.
I´m trying to figure out how to write my opening chapter. I´m seeing it in my head much like a movie, where 3 characters are doing something at the same time, in different spaces, and at the end of the chapter they will have come together. One will be my MC and in the following chapters we´ll be in his head most of the time. Have you ever seen this in a novel?
In the first scene, my MC is speaking to someone on a walkie talkie sort of thing, and I´d like to show that 2nd person hiding somewhere, as well as a third person who will eventually bump into the MC and bring forth the inciting incident. It is all happening at the same time, same scene kinda. Should I do an omniscient or how should this work?
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I've seen multiple POVs that switch back and forth in a novel. And yes, the HP books are written in omniscient POV.

This would only be for the opening chapter, which would be written en 3 pov´s OR omni so that we can get a glimpse of what 3 people are doing at the same time. Does that make sense?
As a reader if the author has given me one POV, then a few blank lines and then written another POV I get it. I might have to re-read some of it, but I get it.

Just put yourself in the reader's place Quillwitch and, more importantly, read work by others who have done something similar to what you want to do.
I've seen multiple POVs that switch back and forth in a novel. And yes, the HP books are written in omniscient POV.

I'm not sure about that. Look at the first line of the first book. Basically it's limited 3rd person - from the point of view of the street! Not read enough of the books to know what JK does to get in the heads of her characters.
Quick look at some extracts seems to start with overview and the we see things from Harry's POV.

"Thinking that he should probably wait for Filch to come back, Harry sank into a moth-eaten chair next to the desk. There was only one thing on it apart from his half-completed form: a large, glossy, purple envelope with silver lettering on the front. With a quick glance at the door to check that Filch wasn't on his way back, Harry picked up the envelope and read: kwikspell A Correspondence Course in Beginners' Magic"
Quick look at some extracts seems to start with overview and the we see things from Harry's POV.

"Thinking that he should probably wait for Filch to come back, Harry sank into a moth-eaten chair next to the desk. There was only one thing on it apart from his half-completed form: a large, glossy, purple envelope with silver lettering on the front. With a quick glance at the door to check that Filch wasn't on his way back, Harry picked up the envelope and read: kwikspell A Correspondence Course in Beginners' Magic"[

Ooooops! What I should have said was--chapter 1 of the first book.
Alo chapter 1 of book 4. Everything else is mostly written from Harry´s pov ( third ).
I'm not sure about that. Look at the first line of the first book. Basically it's limited 3rd person - from the point of view of the street! Not read enough of the books to know what JK does to get in the heads of her characters.

From the point of view of the street? Yeah, I think that´s what i´m trying to do. Never thought of it that way.
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