Query Letter Pet Peeves

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Jun 14, 2015
Texas, USA
Thank you!!

Here is a link to a post made by literary agent Brooks Sherman. He makes a poem out of common phrases in queries. http://brookssherman.com/post/128644912203/i-read-a-few-hundred-queries-last-week-made

It's not necessarily what not to do, but if we're trying to stand out from the crowd! :)

I've actually already queried Brooks Sherman and he's the only agent I've replied to after the initial no, just to say thank you for such a speedy reply. Which sounds kind of odd... thanks for the super fast rejection! Haha. But, honestly, I liked knowing so quickly. It meant I could move on! Although I really haven't, because he's also the only agent I'm going to try to pursue with either another novel or KDD once it's revised again. Notice me senpai!
Thank you!!

Here is a link to a post made by literary agent Brooks Sherman. He makes a poem out of common phrases in queries. http://brookssherman.com/post/128644912203/i-read-a-few-hundred-queries-last-week-made

It's not necessarily what not to do, but if we're trying to stand out from the crowd! :)

I've actually already queried Brooks Sherman and he's the only agent I've replied to after the initial no, just to say thank you for such a speedy reply. Which sounds kind of odd... thanks for the super fast rejection! Haha. But, honestly, I liked knowing so quickly. It meant I could move on! Although I really haven't, because he's also the only agent I'm going to try to pursue with either another novel or KDD once it's revised again. Notice me senpai!
Whew! None of those phrases are in mine!

And can we please not have "exactly like Hunger Games except"? I think y'all can be a little more creative than that ;)
@Nicole Wilson I actually went back to my query to make sure I didn't have any of those when I queried him! Haha! Oh the shame I would have felt if I had!

And mm, sure! "Kidnapping Death's Daughter is exactly like HARRY POTTER meets GAME OF THRONES! Honest, it is, my cat says so and he's a critic." :eek: I'm sure they'll snap that up! :D
Each resource like this is great. I'm really going to read and reread all of the sources I've gathered from Litopia before writing a query letter again. That way, next time I send something out (probably for my NaNoWriMo novel), it will cater to the agent rather than to meeeee...

Thanks again, Nicole! :D
The 'what if' approach to presented the pitch surprised me, that it peeved an agent. I've only used that once, myself, but I'd have thought it was a common device. Maybe too common.
Yeah, I have seen a lot of agents say they hate it when you open with a rhetorical question. It's used far too often apparently.
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