Project to Bring Together Writers and Artists

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Jun 14, 2015
Texas, USA
A friend I met at Comicpalooza this year (a comic convention held in Houston similar to Comic-Con) is hosting a project to bring writers and artists together over the topic of abuse and illness. It is a great opportunity for both writers and artists to join and bring awareness to these sensitive topics. One writes the piece, one illustrates that writing. Though I haven't decided, it's possible I'll be participating in this myself.

EDIT: After talking more with Rae, I believe writers will also be taking topics submitted by others and turning them into written pieces, same as artists taking the written pieces and putting them into art.

Call for submissions: writings in any format (lists, essays, notes, stories, poems) about the daily struggle of life with mental illness or abuse (physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, psychological) and what you wish most the general public knew about the issue or how to interact/connect with it and/or you.

Call for artists: the take these writings and turn them into art (painting/sculpting/drawing/multimedia/digital media, performance/scenes/dance/skits, poetry/spoken word/lyrics/music), the traditional non-verbal art pieces will be paired with the spoken word/poetry/music pieces as an explanation of what is being represented.

For more info and FAQs:

(I'm checking with Rae now, but I don't believe there are any location restrictions, so you should be fine to participate even if you're not in the US :)) EDIT: No location requirements. Anyone can submit.
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That's an amazing project. Thanks for posting it @Nicole Wilson. I'm not sure if I can participate. Many times it is seen as taboo to even consider talking about it...or admitting one has an issue in these areas. So it just confirms that talking and bringing it to light like this is most definitely needed.
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