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Pop-Ups Reopen!

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
The new-format Pop-Up Submissions is open!

Some points…

Submission Surgery” - the new members-only monthly event that looks at Litopians’ submissions in some depth – may have a calendar day other than Sunday. That would allow us to keep some regularity with Pop-Ups, i.e. every Sunday without a break. If you have a preference for which day/time we ought to choose, let me know. Saturdays aren’t ideal for me, I tend to hibernate :)

Pop-Ups now optionally feature links to your website, blog, Amazon page etc.

You can send an mp3 file of you – or anyone else – reading your submission

If you’ve done a YouTube promo for your work, send the link and we’ll use it.

So far, it looks as if we can simultaneously broadcast on Facebook and YouTube.

I need a stand-in publisher or two for the first few shows! Technically, having a guest publisher is more complex, and I don't want to go live until any bugs have been swatted. So if you’d like to be my publisher stand-in, let me know below. You must have a functioning webcam and mike.
I'm interested in submitting something to the Submission Surgery.
Have you set up a method of doing that yet?
Will it be in the same form as for the Sunday Pop-Ups?
Morning Pete, quick question, in the Pop-Up Submissions guidelines you talk about the "selling copy (blurb)" being part of the pitch – to be clear, are you talking about the blurb on the back of the book as you would see it in the bookshop, or something else?
Fabulous; such an amazing opportunity. Sunday is terrific for me- bit of a habit anyway. I'd be happy to be your publisher stand in, if you're not fed up of my voice. Any special skills required?
You want someone to pretend to be a publisher? .. or would they just be described as an extra set of eyes.. or a little face in the
I mostly need a second talking head for (a) checking the tech works ok and (b) helping me to get used to doing the mixing with a second presenter. It's a very easy thing to mix at the moment, but will become quite a lot more difficult with another head. I need to get used to a new work flow.
Fabulous; such an amazing opportunity. Sunday is terrific for me- bit of a habit anyway. I'd be happy to be your publisher stand in, if you're not fed up of my voice. Any special skills required?
No, as per above. Will probably have a fresh stand-in publisher each week, and will probably need about three weeks practice, so thanks Ali.
I'm interested in submitting something to the Submission Surgery.
Have you set up a method of doing that yet?
Will it be in the same form as for the Sunday Pop-Ups?
It will be far more low - key. Members only. Not publicly visible. Maybe only dealing with 2 or 3 submissions per show. Looking at the total submission package, not just a few sample pages.
Morning Pete, quick question, in the Pop-Up Submissions guidelines you talk about the "selling copy (blurb)" being part of the pitch – to be clear, are you talking about the blurb on the back of the book as you would see it in the bookshop, or something else?
Yes, exactly that. A full synopsis will slow things down tremendously, and isn't necessary at this stage. Synopsis will, however, be part of the package for Submission Surgery.
Hi Peter, it sounds great, a real opportunity to test a submission's credentials. Does the submitted material need to be part of the finished article. i.e behind it is a completed manuscript ready to go?
I might be a total nut for asking something so obvious, nevertheless, are submissions for traditional pop-ups and Submission Surgery sent through the same form? So, if I wanted to send in a submission for Submission Surgery but not normal pop-ups, how would I do that? Is it just dependent on which week I submit?
Hi Peter, it sounds great, a real opportunity to test a submission's credentials. Does the submitted material need to be part of the finished article. i.e behind it is a completed manuscript ready to go?
Not at all, esp for Litopians. Your opportunity to fly a kite...

I might be a total nut for asking something so obvious, nevertheless, are submissions for traditional pop-ups and Submission Surgery sent through the same form? So, if I wanted to send in a submission for Submission Surgery but not normal pop-ups, how would I do that? Is it just dependent on which week I submit?
Haven't got that configured yet, most of my time this week will be getting Pop-Ups sorted out. I'll make a noise here when it goes live.
They are quite different beasts, use them as appropriate to your needs.
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