Pop-Ups are Back..

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I have quietly re-opened pop-up submissions for January, but won't announce it publicly for a week or so, to give Litopians first dabs. The link is here:

Pop-Up Submissions
Thank you, Pete. I have just sent you the beginning of my glass-blowing adventures in France book Languedoc Fall. I would like advice about structure because at this point it could go either way. I could either organize the tales chronologically (which would be, as one reader said, 'a family adventure that soon turns into a nightmare') or, thematically (Glassblowing, Health, Education, Law, People, etc). So I'd be interested in hearing your views.
Good evening all! Been away for the Christmas break, where broadband bandwidth was very restricted, so couldn't send my submission. Just got back so will try again tomorrow morning.
Happy New Year to everyone!
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