Plot Seeds

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Feb 25, 2015
At anchor, Bay of Islands, New Zealand
I wrote this as a response to @Richard Turner 's post in @Marc Joan 's thread 'What works in an author website?' but it was drifting, so here it is reborn:

Totally off subject but I'm intrigued by the names: two Connolleys (though different spellings) two Harrys, and three names lifted directly from history: Hieronimus Bosch, Charlie Parker and Samuel Johnson. I would love to know what those three would talk about if they met!
Probably Johnson, though I'd like to listen to Bird while looking at Bosch's work. I don't know if you've read the particular one where the plot actually revolves around the work of Bosch, but it's one of his best - and like all good novels provides some education for Philistines like me. It's also a great idea as a plot seed - pick an odd name from history, give it to a modern day character and then build a plot around it. Also, of course, it can be done with a profession - Ian McEwan (sp!) did it with brain surgery (I think it was called Saturday).
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