Pleased to meet you!

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Lisa Holden

Hi Everyone,

It's great to be here. I hope I can contribute to the community, and hone my craft. I recently completed my first novel (a fantasy for MG readers) and am beginning work on the sequel. I've been writing for a long time, but hadn't a clue about plot and the mechanics of story. Hopefully, that's starting to change!
Welcome! I note you're from Amsterdam -- have you come across the Athenaeum Niuewscentrum and / or the Amsterdam activities of Structo magazine, which seem to be linked to that shop? Collaboration with Peer magazine | Structo

Hi Marc, nice to meet you. Sorry to say no, I haven't! I do know the Athenaeum shop, but hadn't heard of Structo magazine. Must go and find out. Thanks for mentioning it.
Hello :) If you've been reading for a long time, I wouldn't worry. You'll have absorbed a lot of the mechanics by osmosis :)
Hi Katie, I love osmosis! I think we actually know far more than we think we do, if we only allow ourselves to tap into that knowledge.
Another welcome - some great help will come your way - I've had some great pointers in the short time I've been on here. Enjoy and be fulfilled
Hi KG Christopher. Thanks for the tip. I'll have a look. By the way, in the London books thread, I read you used to box. I began taking lessons a month ago. I'm not great when it comes to coordination, but I love how I feel after a class. It really clears my head, especially after spending hours a day behind a computer.
Funny thing is, I hadn't a clue about boxing until recently. I'd never even watched a fight, let alone realized that it's (as a commentator said recently) a kind of 3D chess game. I really like feeling agile and quick (let's face it, at my aage I'm neither, but I can pretend!). Do you still box?
No, don't box anymore, but tomorrow, for my sins, I am signing up for an 'extreme CrossFit' course, paying the money to basically be physically abused in a gym. They do things like get you to skip with ankle weights....should be fun?
No, don't box anymore, but tomorrow, for my sins, I am signing up for an 'extreme CrossFit' course, paying the money to basically be physically abused in a gym. They do things like get you to skip with ankle weights....should be fun?
That sounds exciting! How did it go? I see people at our gym doing that kind of training! Do you use kettlebells too? Do you have to do lots of bodyweight exercises too? :)
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