Pirated ebooks

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Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
This article from today's Guardian newspaper highlights an ever-present problem of readers stealing ebooks:

'We're told to be grateful we even have readers': pirated ebooks threaten the future of book series

I like Maggie Steifvater's tactic of creating a pdf of one of her titles, that repeated just the four first chapters, with a warning message on piracy. This caused a whirlwind of discussion on the forums, and, ultimately, an increase in sales of her book on Amazon.

I like the tactic, too, but don't understand how to do it. I could create the pdf, but how did she get that pdf in circulation?
I don't know how I feel about this. Except, I believe it will all sort itself out.

Maggie Stiefvater trying to prevent people from reading her word without paying for it is a little like Beyonce being upset about people pirating her songs. She's not the one it hurts.
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