Personal research

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Jennifer Stone

Greetings again my fellow litopians, I'm thinking of writing a series of books in which angry ancient gods interfere in the lives of modern-day mortals. I have two goddesses for my 'Vengeful Deity' series but am in need of a couple more. Please note, I'm not looking for the typical 'God of War', rather the darker, more menacing side, those who might have a score to settle with us mortals. Any mythology is welcome, I can do more research when I get around to writing them properly; also if you could include your favourite legend involving your choice, that'd help.

My choices, so far, are: Sehkmet- Egyptian goddess of destruction, and Artemis- Greek goddess of the wilderness. I'm mapping out some sample chapters to elaborate upon at a later date.

Thanks in advance :D
What you need is a god, or goddess of lightning! Well it was just a bolt in the dark, but the first one that came to me. I'm sure there's one somewhere ;)
Thank you all for your help. I'll let you know when I'm ready to start writing and let you sample firsthand
Check out the Hindu goddess - Kali. She's an interesting character. I've used her in a short story.
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