People will....

To ward off....

If the book....

Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
People will forgive you anything but being boring.

Patricia Fripp


People will forgive you anything but being boring.

Patricia Fripp


No, no they won't. Murder gotta count more on my list of things I find unforgivable than being bored. Plus, I've had kids. A three hour car journey where every single episode of The Simpsons was recounted to me, in detail, was genuinely one of the most boring experiences of my life. But hey, my kid was actually talking to me! So it's all good.
No, no they won't. Murder gotta count more on my list of things I find unforgivable than being bored. Plus, I've had kids. A three hour car journey where every single episode of The Simpsons was recounted to me, in detail, was genuinely one of the most boring experiences of my life. But hey, my kid was actually talking to me! So it's all good.
ever heard of cameron herrin? killed two people, yet a couple million people over on tiktok apparently thought he was "too cute" to go to jail for it.
No, no they won't. Murder gotta count more on my list of things I find unforgivable than being bored. Plus, I've had kids. A three hour car journey where every single episode of The Simpsons was recounted to me, in detail, was genuinely one of the most boring experiences of my life. But hey, my kid was actually talking to me! So it's all good.
I totally agree. Boring is not a sin or cruel. It doesn't need forgiveness, just tolerance. Murder is, most often, unforgiveable. Rape is unforgiveable. Child cruelty/domestic abuse is unforgiveable. Heartbreak (though maybe neither a sin nor meant to be cruel) is something many people find hard/impossible to forgive.
I totally agree. Boring is not a sin or cruel. It doesn't need forgiveness, just tolerance. Murder is, most often, unforgiveable. Rape is unforgiveable. Child cruelty/domestic abuse is unforgiveable. Heartbreak (though maybe neither a sin nor meant to be cruel) is something many people find hard/impossible to forgive.
Lol, gotta think that Patricia Fripp got the wrong sort of friends.

To ward off....

If the book....
