Partial request rejections—a sign to revise?

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Nikky Lee

Nikky Lee
Full Member
Jul 27, 2018
New Zealand
Hi guys,

I've queried a several agents now (~15 for the current version of my MS) and had some interest based on my first chapter. However, these partial requests haven't gone any further (latest rejection this morning, hence this post).

I'm beginning to wonder if it might be chapter 2 that's causing them to loose interest—it introduces a new character, and I'm thinking might have a distinctly YA feel to it (though the narrative quickly moves away from there).

At this stage, should I re-look at this chapter—or should I keep querying? What would you do?
Always relook, but don't do changes until you can see/feel the improvement in continuity and story.
And I always reversion every single change (a day's worth, anyway). You never know when you might need to go back to where it all began *grimace*.
What do beta readers say? Or maybe post the first two chapters in the writing groups? Remember, it also mightn't be the book, it may just be not the right fit for them or a bad day.

It's been through a couple rounds of beta readings. General response was positive, with a few tweaks to worldbuilding and voice. I have an idea that I might experiment with first before posting it in the writing groups.
Would it be out of order to write to the agents and ask them for advice. They can only say no or just ignore you. Not life threatening so why not you may strike it lucky and get some excellent advice. I would suggest you are correct about whatever you sent in second time as that clearly didn't meet their requirements but a few rejectionsshouldn't lead to a wholescale revision. The next agent may love it as it is. And yes as RK suggested bung it in the writing group you never know what that may spark into life.
Good Luck (which is what hooking an agent is really all about)
You mention the YA thing. It might be that you have a gut feeling something is amiss with that character or chapter. It may not be wrong as such but I suspect for some reason this bit dissatisfies you. On the basis you have an idea for an experiment, this is what I would do: I'd hold off querying (you don't have a deadline presumably) then make a copy of the MS to play about with. Try that experiment you mentioned and see where it leads. Let loose as if it didn't matter - it's a 'side' copy after all and you can make a mess of it. See what comes up. Then put it back into the writing groups.
I would revise. More than 3 bites for a first chapter, but then they lost interest, I would not ask for advice, but I'd know there is a problem with the story as is.
It sounds like your concept and first chapter are good enough to make them bite, put perhaps your later chapters aren't living up to the promise of the first. It could be many things. Maybe the pace slows or the story takes a direction different from the pitch. I'm only guessing here, but I would say at this stage pause and revise. Maybe put you work up in the writing groups for feedback.

Of course it could be your doing nothing wrong and purely down to the subjectivity of this business.
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