P.J. Greystoke says hi.

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Hi there :) It's a friendly place, no resident trolls. What sort of writing do you have on the go at the moment?
Good news about the trolls :) I have a self published book that went on sale late April on Amazon. My main project, however is a YA series 'Professor Fidget and the Trouble with Time Travel.' I'm approaching every literary agent on the planet that I feel would represent the series well. It's so hard finding the right agent!! How about you?
I write short fiction and verse...bits published here and there; anthologies, online magazines, The Literary Review. Two novels for adults; psychological suspense/spooky. One is finished but think of Penelope's Loom and you've got the picture, and another I don't yet talk about, not going as fast as I had planned.
Hi PJ and welcome. Like you I'm agent hunting but it's all gone a bit quiet this past couple of weeks - hopefully because they're all out there doing loads of big deals for their clients :)
I write short fiction and verse...bits published here and there; anthologies, online magazines, The Literary Review. Two novels for adults; psychological suspense/spooky. One is finished but think of Penelope's Loom and you've got the picture, and another I don't yet talk about, not going as fast as I had planned.
I love psychological suspense / spooky stories. Written a few myself. Stephen king is probably my favourite author, with Dean Koontz, Nicci French and i'd like to say Paula Hawkins (but I've only read Girl On The Train) following behind. So what about the one you don't talk about? Writers Block or...?
SF and thrillers. Or a bit of a combination of the two. Previously published and previously sgented - now trying my hand at something new :-)
Awesome, what is the something new?

Its another thriller but I'm experimenting with structure and POV :-)

Perhaps a good thing that's come from parting company with my agent and being out of contract is that I'm now free to write whatever I want without worrying about pleasing my publisher. It's actually quite liberating. :-)
Thanks Paul. So what do you write?

I've been writing crime novels for the last three years. I started out thinking they were psychological thrillers, and though there are still a lot of mind games in the plot, it's impossible to get away from police procedural and forensic details in the 21st century.
I've previously written short stories, novellas, poetry and song lyrics—all of which are covered in dust in some dark hole on Amazon and Smashwords. Recently, I've returned to writing short stories and poems, to enter for competitions, most of which only accept unpublished material.
Variety is the spice of my writing life, and I sometimes find that turning to a shorter form helps ease a sticking point in my WIP.
I love psychological suspense / spooky stories. Written a few myself. Stephen king is probably my favourite author, with Dean Koontz, Nicci French and i'd like to say Paula Hawkins (but I've only read Girl On The Train) following behind. So what about the one you don't talk about? Writers Block or...?

Don't want to hex myself; the story is there and it's worked out, but I need to sit on it a bit.
I've been writing crime novels for the last three years. I started out thinking they were psychological thrillers, and though there are still a lot of mind games in the plot, it's impossible to get away from police procedural and forensic details in the 21st century.
I've previously written short stories, novellas, poetry and song lyrics—all of which are covered in dust in some dark hole on Amazon and Smashwords. Recently, I've returned to writing short stories and poems, to enter for competitions, most of which only accept unpublished material.
Variety is the spice of my writing life, and I sometimes find that turning to a shorter form helps ease a sticking point in my WIP.
I love writing novels but short stories have a certain attraction. I recently wrote one which was included in the book I have up for sale. Following a few comments from readers I decided to write a sequel to that story, which the more that I write, I am discovering that I could release a book of short stories which are more like episodes based on the first. Good luck with yours, I hope it makes the best seller list.
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