Not good at greetings

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My name is Angelica, or as I prefer to be called AuthorOfLast, and I have been a writer for (Gads!) Going on 15 years!

I'm not great at introductions, making good impressions, or sticking to a concise point, so I'll try my best not to ramble on. I've never been properly published for my writing. I do have my own website which I try really hard to keep up to date. I did get into a Poetry book which I had three poems in but I don't know the name of it because they wanted to get money for them to send out a copy- once that happens I kind of give up. I don't have money. What I do have is a set of skills that I have honed for many years. In my teenage years I would burn the candle at both ends to write all through the night and eventually fall asleep on my keyboard. As an adult I drink monster and coffee and I fall asleep with the laptop in my bed.

A few main points to know about me:
-I'm super hard working, I've never stopped working on a piece of writing, I mainly pause when I get stuck.
-I have dyslexia, which might surprise you, and I didn't find out until I was 19 which was four years after I had left school.
-I have major depression and anxiety disorder, so this means I take criticism to heart very easily and some days I would rather wallow in my bed than do anything productive. This goes hand in hand with chronic back pain and is probably linked to the first two points there.
-I'm very friendly and caring so please do welcome me with open arms and feel free to be my friends!

Safe to say I have successfully managed to ramble!

Good day to you all!
Hi Angelica..welcome :D

Very friendly here. Well done for keeping at the writing. I'm relatively new here too but am learning still and hope to give as much as I get here.

Enjoy your stay.
Thanks for the warm welcome, you are lovely people :)
Welcome, Angelica!

I think we all probably prefer ramblers, here — more the stories to hear. I for one would love to know your story, specifically regarding how you struggled against and overcame dyslexia in your own writing.
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