Nicest Rejection I've had

Prefixes in Café Life

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RK Wallis
Full Member
Feb 15, 2019
So I went through Querytracker and specifically started with agents who respond quick. I sent a query last night and woke up to this:

Dear Rachel,

Thank you for submitting A POISON FOR WINTER to me. I truly loved the concept, it's a bit too similar to another manuscript I already represent, and I never want to pit my authors against one another in a crowded market. Unfortunately, this is a pass. Please know that this has nothing to do with your concept or the quality of your writing - I love what you've done here and wish I could represent every good book to come across my desk.

Keep querying! I'm cheering for you.
Vicky Weber
So I went through Querytracker and specifically started with agents who respond quick. I sent a query last night and woke up to this:

Dear Rachel,

Thank you for submitting A POISON FOR WINTER to me. I truly loved the concept, it's a bit too similar to another manuscript I already represent, and I never want to pit my authors against one another in a crowded market. Unfortunately, this is a pass. Please know that this has nothing to do with your concept or the quality of your writing - I love what you've done here and wish I could represent every good book to come across my desk.

Keep querying! I'm cheering for you.
Vicky Weber
I agree with her totally about the concept. But what a Mensch!
What a wonderful response. I don't really look at it as a rejection. I think it's wonderful encouragement. Well done and praise well deserved.

That would be a great one for the "rejections" thread we said we were going to start... lol

Prefixes in Café Life

Service Update The Forums Reorganisation Has Finished
