Newest arrival

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Hello. Welcome to the colony. You've already intrigued me. What is a dramady - a comedy, without the laughs?
Sounds interesting, do tell us more, and welcome to the colony.
Welcome!:) What's an RPG, other than a rocket-propelled grenade?
Never be afraid to ask stupid questions, that's what I say. Among other things. But don't start me off.
Hello there and welcome. How does non-fiction for RPGs work? What is the format like? How long does it take? How do you take them to market? I'm very intrigued!
Hi and welcome. Nonfiction for RPGs, sounds interesting, what were they based on?
What games do you play? I know a few of us here are gamers :) although perhaps less tabletop and more console (although i've always wanted to play a Lovecraftian or Fantasy style tabletop)
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