New Year's Resolutions

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Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
Today, I found this article on Woody Guthrie’s 1943 New Year’s resolutions via an article in The Guardian

I chose fun over drudgery – and ran off to live at sea

Mark Twain reckoned that:


As 2020 began, I decided that it was about time to venture forth into an ocean of self-promotion. I was midway through writing my sixth Cornish Detective novel—why write more when readers didn’t know about them?

Then Covid-19 virus took hold of the world about the same time as I lost the manuscript of my latest story. Initially heartbroken, I soon realised that my plotline of wandering assassins would be impossible in a UK of face masks, tiers and travel restrictions.

So, I decided to do something constructive with the year, which was turning my crime series into audiobooks. My saga can be found in this thread:

As 2021 looms my New Year’s resolution is pinched from 2020: to self-promote like a shameless fiend! :ogre:

I don’t want to do this—I’d much rather my eBooks and audiobooks found adoring appreciation by magic!

I’m going to follow Charlie Brown’s advice:

What are your New Year’s resolutions?
Ah, 2021. Yes. I shall be more careful with my resolution this time.
As 2020 began, I decided that it was about time to
When 2020 began, I said to myself, 'I can't cope, I need a year off.' .....

What are your New Year’s resolutions?
On the basis I get what I ask for: 'In 2021, I'm going to get myself a publishing deal, and a several million Pound lottery win.'

I'll keep you posted.
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