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New to the Fold...

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Oct 14, 2015
Houston, TX
Hello All!

I just recently started my search for a literary agent and came across the Redhammer LLC literary agency webpage. After reading what Peter Cox had to say about developing ones writing skills and joining litopia, I thought "What have I got to lose?".

Currently, I have no publications, but have written two and a half novels in a trilogy I'm currently working on.

I'm excited about Litopia. It looks like a wonderful community where I can develop my writing talents to the point where my work is marketable. I only hope that I can contribute as much as I hope to gain.


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Hello All!

I just recently started my search for a literary agent and came across the Redhammer LLC literary agency webpage. After reading what Peter Cox had to say about developing ones writing skills and joining litopia, I thought "What have I got to lose?".

Currently, I have no publications, but have written two and a half novels in a trilogy I'm currently working on.

I'm excited about Litopia. It looks like a wonderful community where I can develop my writing talents to the point where my work is marketable. I only hope that I can contribute as much as I hope to gain.


I did start it. To be fair.

I still think a vampire barfing out a gallon and a half of a black leech and human blood mixture would be gross.
I do have a few questions about the site, actually.

Obviously, it's a community with lots of interaction, but I'm wondering about where to post certain things. I don't want to go around just dropping random stuff into different threads, so perhaps I could get some good feedback here? I've been sending out query letters (though I'm not even sure my book is ready to be out there yet...probably more on that later), so is there an appropriate place I can ask for reviews? How about for my MS?

Any information would be greatly appreciated!

Any general discussion on the writing process as a whole tend to go on in Café Life — character building, found articles, etc.
The Whole Writer is for discussion about the author, one's self — habits, tips, caveats, etc.
Any discussion regarding work-in-progress, or things you wouldn't necessarily want non-members to see should go on in the Back Room.

Critique of MS excerpts (and query letters? Anybody clue me in?) goes on in the Houses, which should become visible to you after you've been here a while, and the forum's algorithm comes to trust you and believes you're here for mutual benefit, and won't just take the advice and bugger off.

If you want to speak with one member only, start a private "conversation." And then there's the semi-monthly Flash Club, to branch out and experiment as a writer in good-natured competition... lot goin' on here.
Thanks so much for the information! So far, the writing process has been very singular (just like is says in the description for The Whole Writer). Having access to such a community where everyone has similar goals should make things much easier going forward.

I guess I'll go ahead and dive in! (>^o^)>
It's a great place to bounce around ideas, and develop concepts... like vampires and leeches, or camels and cake.
Friend of mine saw those in Iraq. Said he's the very back-most pair of legs in this picture of two of the little nightmares fighting, but he did like to tell a good tale.

He also told tell of the tiny, purple and red North-Okinawan Insanity Hornet, in jungle training. About about 903 Thai hooker stories. And... we come back around to cake.
@Jason Byrne You mentioned the series you were writing earlier in the thread. Care to share anything else about it? How have you progressed with it since joining the site? What changes/updates have you been making lately? I'd love to hear anything you'd be willing to share about your process.
Thanks for the welcome! I'm guessing you do a lot of cross genre type stuff, as well?

Cross-genre? Hmmm...more like a genre onto myself...
Sci-fi elements, martial arts elements, survival elements, adventure elements...etc.
But I refer to it a sci-fi.
lol. I call it a Manuscript. Others may call it other things.

Of my three or four-book series, I'm about done with the first one and getting lots to some work done on book 2. o_O
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@Jason Byrne You mentioned the series you were writing earlier in the thread. Care to share anything else about it? How have you progressed with it since joining the site? What changes/updates have you been making lately? I'd love to hear anything you'd be willing to share about your process.
Hmm? Oh, yeah: it's historical fantasy/magic realism, based around a flawed romantic theme — a man is his own worst enemy, and all that — with grieving and loss elements.

I've just come off a four-mouth spell of writer's block, wherein I was heavily into the forum here, beta-reading for fellow Litopians in the Houses, and developing an author's Twitter: https://twitter.com/JasonAByrne. Also The Voice Season 9.

I've been back to writing for... only about a couple weeks? And where I've gained immensely from this forum is in the improvements to my query letter, and the response from my beta readers of the first chapter of the book for which I am seeking representation (I say first chapter, because the book as a whole is 265k words long).
Hmm? Oh, yeah: it's historical fantasy/magic realism, based around a flawed romantic theme — a man is his own worst enemy, and all that — with grieving and loss elements.

I've just come off a four-mouth spell of writer's block, wherein I was heavily into the forum here, beta-reading for fellow Litopians in the Houses, and developing an author's Twitter: https://twitter.com/JasonAByrne. Also The Voice Season 9.

I've been back to writing for... only about a couple weeks? And where I've gained immensely from this forum is in the improvements to my query letter, and the response from my beta readers of the first chapter of the book for which I am seeking representation (I say first chapter, because the book as a whole is 265k words long).

This is the main reason why I split my story into three different parts. So far, the entire manuscript is around 233k words (and I'm not even done with the third part). The other reason is that the story had some spots that seemed like natural places to break off the story into a new book. Po-TA-To Po-TAH-To, I guess.

Either way, I started queries last week sometime. I figured since I have two whole books ready to go, I should consider getting the work out there. Never knew how complicated this whole business could be, however.

Thanks for sharing!
This is the main reason why I split my story into three different parts. So far, the entire manuscript is around 233k words (and I'm not even done with the third part). The other reason is that the story had some spots that seemed like natural places to break off the story into a new book. Po-TA-To Po-TAH-To, I guess.

Either way, I started queries last week sometime. I figured since I have two whole books ready to go, I should consider getting the work out there. Never knew how complicated this whole business could be, however.

Thanks for sharing!

My first book is 143K, or thereabouts. The second will be close to the same and I haven't even thought about what book 3 will be.
The Litopians are a diverse and irreverent group. Jason is always good for a laugh or two...
Just don't take us too seriously, we do like to have fun here. After all, we're all crazy...to some degree.
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