Fanfare! New Guardian Masterclass

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Brian Clegg

Aug 7, 2014
Swindon, UK
I suspect there aren't many on Litopia interested in science writing, but just in case, I thought it was worth a mention. In association with the Guardian I’m presenting a masterclass on writing a popular science book. It's on 1 Feb 2015, 10am to 4pm, at the Guardian offices in central London.

It’s a detailed course providing a thorough grounding in the topic, guiding aspiring authors through the process of planning, writing, editing and publishing a book. They'll learn how to choose the right topic for their book, how to build a narrative to keep their readers hooked and how to make hard science approachable for a non-specialist audience. I will also offer advice on how to craft a proposal that publishers will love. In addition to extensive Q&A, the masterclass includes an opportunity to pitch your own idea for instant feedback.

Numbers are kept down to a maximum of 16 to ensure there’s time for everyone to discuss their ideas for feedback. The downside is it's £249 (including lunch and refreshments) - I don't set the price, I'm afraid - see website for more details.

If you know anyone who might be interested, please pass this on!
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