Never knew this!

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Marc Joan

Aug 26, 2014
I found this out a while ago, but I don't think it's that rigid: try switching shape and colour. I've given up on Twitter. It seems to be ideal for opinion formers but I gave up any ambitions along those lines a long time ago. I have enough trouble forming my own opinion now post-brexit.
I have to disagree. Twitter is absurdity writ small. A reduction of language until it is all but meaningless. And one thing that no-one else seems to note; the biggest word in Twitter is Twit.
I find Twitter extremely useful - I'm more likely to get something spread to people who wouldn't see it otherwise than on Facebook (my best tweet ever got 182,000 views, 1,500 retweets and 1,300 likes) and I find it useful to get info in the field in which I write.
I find Twitter extremely useful - I'm more likely to get something spread to people who wouldn't see it otherwise than on Facebook (my best tweet ever got 182,000 views, 1,500 retweets and 1,300 likes) and I find it useful to get info in the field in which I write.

Well done. I have gotten similar reaction though not as impressive with the numbers as those. As an anecdotal example, just yesterday I was invited to give a talk about my games and stories at an event for kids to an audience of parents and teachers. The media are also more accessible too through twitter not to mention agents. I think there's more pros then cons no matter the brevity.
The biggest word in twitter is twitter. The birds twitter. The 140 character limit is easily worked with or circumvented. By adding a link as part of your character allowance or by using twitdoc you can upload an entire document file in a tweet, and with nothing but a caption, hashtag optional.
The biggest word in twitter is twitter. The birds twitter. The 140 character limit is easily worked with or circumvented. By adding a link as part of your character allowance or by using twitdoc you can upload an entire document file in a tweet, and with nothing but a caption, hashtag optional.

Ooh I like this game. The smallest word is no....'s's me, it's you. That's what it's all about. :D
Ha! In fact, I lifted that from Facebook. I'm actually quite enjoying FB, but I will never, ever, ever twitter. Never. Ever.
Then do not move to California and own a vehicle or a boat. I recently discovered that the only way an individual can interact with the CA DMV is via twitter or snail mail, and good luck with that. Their phone system has no option to speak to a human; ditto email. If you go to my twitter account @patriciadusenbu you will see the recent conversation, the most tweeting I've done in any week since signing up.
If you go to my twitter account @patriciadusenbu you will see the recent conversation, the most tweeting I've done in any week since signing up.
You won't tempt me onto Twitter so easily, I'm afraid *nose in the air*
Twitter is easy. Everything I post on my author page automatically goes there. I've joined Triberr and it's one-click shopping to tweet anything I want in the stream. That way other authors are tweeted, and they in turn tweet my posts. It's helped my readership exposure, and not once do I have to sit there and "compose" something in 140 characters or less. :)
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