Naughty Quills Blog

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Carol Rose

Sep 13, 2014
Indiana, USA
Six of my fellow Evernight authors and I began a group blog a month ago. Although we all write erotic romance for Evernight, instead of focusing on promotion in this blog, we focus on general writing tips and advice that are applicable to any genre.

So far, we've covered: show versus tell, editors, Evernight Publishing, music and writing, writing an alpha hero that isn't also an a**hole, dealing with unexpected plot twists and turns, the benefits of critique partners and beta readers, writing sex scenes that make sense, finding a writing formula that works for you, how to bite your tongue and not comment on reviews, dealing with last minute changes, comparing yourself to other writers, finding inspiration, when to let go of an idea and move on, paying attention to details in your writing, accepting who you are as a writer and a person, time management, the need to write, spamming other authors, finding your voice, self-publishing versus working with a publisher, dealing with negativity toward what you write, work-life balance in writing, and developing a thick skin as a writer.

WHEW! Not bad for the first month! :)

We each have a specific day to post, so there's a new post every day. Come check us out!!

Naughty Quills

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