My plotting template

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Jan 1, 2015
Ok so I know not everyone enjoys following a paint by numbers plotting scheme--I didn´t either--but turns out it does actually help me figure out where the hell i´m going instead of rambling away like a loose cow in a pasture. ( ...or whatever). I´ve been studying this stuff for years now but hadn´t put a template together. Now I have. It´s a mix of Hero´s Journey meets Save the Cat meets Edgar Wright´s film template. Plus Cheryl B. Klein and Janice Hardy´s observation on plotting. Now, I shall put it to the test. Wish me luck as I venture into these muddy waters. I´m off to now build my plot based upon this template. I´ll keep you posted if you´re interested. I´m attaching a pic.of my custom made plot template, feel free to take what you like from it.


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Is that butcher paper on your wall? I have some butcher paper I got just for this purpose. I only plot a few steps ahead. I change my mind while I'm writing too often. Although, I usually know how things will end. I like using Jami Gold's beat sheets. She offers free downloadable worksheets.

Jami Gold's beat sheets
Is that butcher paper on your wall? I have some butcher paper I got just for this purpose. I only plot a few steps ahead. I change my mind while I'm writing too often. Although, I usually know how things will end. I like using Jami Gold's beat sheets. She offers free downloadable worksheets.

Jami Gold's beat sheets
Yes, it is! And some cards. And now there it´s grown!
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