- Jan 8, 2019
One of the comments made by Agent Pete on last week's Pop Up was about dark / depressing subject matter, and that modern reader isn't looking to be depressed (paraphrasing). It struck me because my work has some darker themes, and some of them quite forwardly described. As I edit, I've trimmed some of the detail out, for fear that the scenes that are more graphic - sex, gore, etc. - might limit the appeal of the work to larger audiences. I took King's advice in On Writing as I wrote, tell the truth, but now that I'm trying to put myself in the reader's modality (woot.), maybe some of it is too much. I'm happy with what I've pulled out, I just wonder if depressing circumstances for my MC might limit the saleability of the work?
I don't know if it's like this for you, but I can't stop my characters from making the choices they make - when I go into state, I'm just transcribing... But now that I'm editing, ought I be working to maximize the appeal of the work to the largest audience possible?
Any thoughts on this? Do sexual encounters and metered violence, in the right amounts, sell?
I don't know if it's like this for you, but I can't stop my characters from making the choices they make - when I go into state, I'm just transcribing... But now that I'm editing, ought I be working to maximize the appeal of the work to the largest audience possible?
Any thoughts on this? Do sexual encounters and metered violence, in the right amounts, sell?