Luke Bitmead Bursary

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Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
The submission period for the ninth Luke Bitmead Bursary opened today. This is an annual award to encourage fledgling novel writers.

The bursary was established by the Bitmead family following Luke's tragic death by suicide. The top prize is a publishing contract with Legend Press, along with £2,500 cash. There is a £10 entry fee.

Luke Bitmead Bursary • Legend Press • Legend Times Group

In an unexpected surge of optimism, I entered last year. I may try again, though I'm doubtful that the lurid subject matter of my psychological thriller would be the sort of thing they are seeking. I suggest you have a look at the plot lines of the eight previous winners.

I certainly fit the condition of someone 'whose personal or financial circumstances are making it especially hard for them to focus on writing as a career', but it's important to remember that Legend Press have commercial factors to consider when choosing a winner. If your novel doesn't fit in with their existing catalogue, then they'll pass on it—no matter how well-written.
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