"Life is..." FREE DOWNLOAD. My Easter gift to everyone

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Lady M

Feb 27, 2018
West Bromwich
Hello folks, both of my eBooks are on free download during the Easter period. I think it is a better gift than chocolate unless you're an alcoholic!

Life is... This is a book with my sayings or witticism about life like 'Life is a maze... just muddle your way through.'

Just one of the reviews - "Quirky and sweet I'll be dipping into this book every morning to get my 'life is' fix. Well done to the author for condensing a chaotic time in the world and giving us hope."

Please go and have a look at this book on Kindle because it is my Easter gift to you. Just put the title and my name in Amazon and enjoy it. A review would be nice but not essential.

If you are interested in my story, want to learn from my experience or want any of my writing tips my other eBook is also on free download, WRITE IT! PUBLISH IT! MARKET IT!

Take your pick or take both. Enjoy. Happy Easter!
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