Liar, liar pants on fire

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Sep 25, 2014
Advice given by his grandfather, a bookie and doubtless there was no fooling him, to David Almond whose first novel Skellig (I love it) won the Carnegie prize

'Never read novels. They're all just lies.'

We know they're not. We know if they are any good, and even if they aren't, they present truths disguised as lies.

Don't we?

Don't we.

Advice given by his grandfather, a bookie and doubtless there was no fooling him, to David Almond whose first novel Skellig (I love it) won the Carnegie prize

'Never read novels. They're all just lies.'

We know they're not. We know if they are any good, and even if they aren't, they present truths disguised as lies.

Don't we?

Don't we.

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enduring truths
What is/are the truth/s represented by Sherlock Holmes, folks?

I would say for starters, it's about the truth that there are tools for jobs.

Some people are like tools for jobs.

Cometh the hour, cometh the wo/man.

Some people are people people (Watson)

Others, Holmes, are prodigies....but at a cost of limitation in other spheres. Holmes has Asperger's.

The specific and the highly specialised, and then, the general...which is not inferior IN GENERAL.

There are truths here about differences of mind, and the character of innate human capabilities, and also about friendship.

What more? There will be more.
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