Latest LAD - France A La Mod - or, A Beer in Provence

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Here is the very latest Litopia After Dark, our first and flagship podcast, over five years old now. The show notes follow, and here is a link to the show page itself and the player. Please feel free to discuss the show below.
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It's Easter, everybody! Time for daffodils... daylight savings... and life-sized chocolate statues of Benedict Cumberbatch.

So how about we put aside Ebola, Somalian jihad, narcotraficantes, the heart-wrenching demise of a literary titan-- not to mention the greatest extinction event in the history of planet earth. Let's leave those topics for past and future shows, shall we? (We've got a rip-roarin' summer planned for Litopia After Dark!)

Instead let's chat with dyed-in-the-mohair mod Ian Moore, one of the UK's leading stand-up comics. Ian is living the ex-pat dream in France. Raising a family amid barnyard animals, wearing bespoke suits, gigging across the world-- and even (keep down your jealous bile) hosting the Meat and Poultry Processing Awards of 2014.

Ian's latest book, C'est Modnifique!: Adventures of an English Grump in Rural France proves more of the hilarious same. Tonight he joins us to talk escaped livestock, gigs gone wrong... and chutney as a punishment for fruit.

Because we could all use a laugh.

Happy Easter everybody.

follow Ian @ianmodmoore

Buy his books!

Eat his Chutney (not a joke)!


Putting the Mod in Comedy
(it's in there somewhere)
is a waaaaaay funnier title.
Back me up here colony!

(show's pretty good too)
Tweeted it. He's poorly today, he said via Twitter. But has had to get up to dig a hen's grave. How did the show sound, he asked? I said, how does relaxed & convivial, country-urbane with a cherub-paterfamilias-fights goblin-demon undertone sound?
He said it sounds busy.
Something I didn't do right there, but I got it off his own channel on Youtube:

Try this one, in Aus at 12.19:

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