Late to the table... again...

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Richard Sutton

Flash Club Supremo
Aug 27, 2014
HIgh above an Island, very near to NYC
I just completed reading the first book in the Brother Cadfael mystery series written by Edith Pargeter writing as Ellis Peters: A Morbid Taste For Bones. I really enjoyed it on all kinds of levels... THEN I find out she's died! Why do I discover these great writers AFTER they've left the room? I will work my way through her amazing output of work. Anyone else discover a writer they enjoyed then found out they were gone, or that they never wrote another title?
Happened for me with John Boswell. He was a Yale professor and an author of history books (non-fiction). I bought one of his titles just by chance 2 years ago, in a second-hand shop- the title and subject seemed interesting. When I was reading it I was like wow, this is such a great book, they don't write things as good any more. So I googled him and, of course, he died in the 90's... very prematurely, I might add (AIDS). I was really upset, a great scientist and a huge talent. He left 6 books, I read 2 of them as far, but I will not stop at that for sure.
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