Knowing the Market

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Full Member
Aug 24, 2014
One thing that seems to be always mentioned out an Agent's website is "Have you researched the market?"
I have my own ways of doing this, mainly looking through Best Seller lists, seeing what is being released, looking at book reviews in newspapers and subscribing to periodicals such as the London Book Review. But, based on how long some novels take to get published, I feel I may be looking at the trends of a year or two year previously? These trends may no longer be in vogue.
Does anyone have a more precise way of following market trends?
That's what a publisher said, back in January, at the Bologna Book Fair. By the time you notice a trend, it might already be over. Forget trying to catch the wave.

The trend right now is surely 'issues' .

Preach Lit.

Meanwhile I subscribe to The Bookseller.
As a book seller, I should know the market trends. I don't. This month, true crime is hot. Last month, horror, especially Stephen King (It). A good indicator for trends is to research movies that will be released in one to two years. Movies still influence trends, as do current events (the police here are still digging up remains of victims of a local serial killer - the reason for true crime being hot this month in my local).

In response to "Have you researched the market?", you should know the genre of your novel, the authors who sell within the genre, the reason why they sell (a good story, good writing or both) and how your novel compares. If you do, then answer "yes".

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