June Flash Club Winner!

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And @Emily may I suggest a (fun) July prompt? Yes? No? I will anyway, but please don't feel obliged. How about (deliberately) bad agent submission letters? Agent letters from hell.
@Barbara , I was just here trying to think of a July prompt... after an afternoon of drinking FAR too much Korean liqueur (with plums) so this was extremely timely.

Do you mean letters from authors to agents? Or the other way around (and I am assuming in my Korean-liqueur addled brain state that you mean not -real, fictional letters??)
Yes, from authors to agent. Bad sub letters, written in a way one shouldn't do a sub letter.

As in:

Dear agent
Please find attached my latest flash of genius. It's a story about ... well, nothing really, but I'm convinced it's, well, genius. The MS isn't complete yet, but if I take the next week off I might get it done in time.
A bit about me: I'm a writer who hates writing.
Look forward to hearing from you

And no, I haven't had any Korean Liquor.
Korean liqueur (with plums)
That's one of your 5 a day ticked off.
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