Join Us Live, This Sunday

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
Can’t believe we’re already at the end of the working week! But we are, so... time to remind you that we’re running another live session this Sunday (9th) starting at 4:30pm UK. Click here to convert time zones.

Do try to check out your microphone and headphones/speakers beforehand – the Mumble room is open 24/7, you just need another Litopian to help you do the fine tuning.

The focus will be (yes again - no apologies because it’s so important!) on the first page. By which, I also include titles. But all topics will be welcome, of course.

Do join us, especially if you haven’t made an appearance so far, it’s very friendly:)
I can't believe it is the end of the working week again either!

This Sunday I am attending a literary event in Sunderland (yes Pete we do have such events in Sunderland!). The literary agent Julia Churchill from the A.M. Heath Agency will be there, along with Catherine Richards who is Senior Editor at Pan Macmillan. Catherine Richards is interested primarily in crime fiction or commercial historical fiction - what a coincidence because I write crime fiction! So I will either have to give my apologies or, hopefully, perhaps arrive a little late for your meeting. I would hate to miss it but I am sure you will understand that it was unavoidable if I do.
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