Fanfare! It's publication week for 'Joe with an E' (as seen on Pop-Ups last July)

Paul R

Jan 21, 2023
I'm excited to announce that Joe with an E is out this week, on Thursday, and I heard the other day from my publisher that it's already got over 50 pre-orders - not bad for a small indie-published print-on-demand debut. I think my promotional efforts have been paying off.

I'm doing an online launch on Wednesday evening (7pm UK time) in which I'm being interviewed by fellow author, Sarah Hagger-Holt. If anyone wants to come along, you can get a free ticket via Ticket Tailor -

No specific plans for publication day itself, except that it's my day off from school and my wife and I are going out for lunch.

Saturday is Kendal Pride and given the LGBTQ+ themes in Joe with an E, I've booked a stall there and have had some stickers and bookmarks printed to give away. Also hoping I'll make a few sales there.

Then next Sunday, I've got a launch party at a bar in the town where I live, which sounds like it will be attended by quite a few friends, colleagues and strangers.

So wish me luck, and if you want to read more than the 700 words featured on Pop-Ups last July, feel free to buy a copy (see https// for details of where to buy it, or just try searching 'Joe with an E' online).
I'm excited to announce that Joe with an E is out this week, on Thursday, and I heard the other day from my publisher that it's already got over 50 pre-orders - not bad for a small indie-published print-on-demand debut. I think my promotional efforts have been paying off.

I'm doing an online launch on Wednesday evening (7pm UK time) in which I'm being interviewed by fellow author, Sarah Hagger-Holt. If anyone wants to come along, you can get a free ticket via Ticket Tailor -

No specific plans for publication day itself, except that it's my day off from school and my wife and I are going out for lunch.

Saturday is Kendal Pride and given the LGBTQ+ themes in Joe with an E, I've booked a stall there and have had some stickers and bookmarks printed to give away. Also hoping I'll make a few sales there.

Then next Sunday, I've got a launch party at a bar in the town where I live, which sounds like it will be attended by quite a few friends, colleagues and strangers.

So wish me luck, and if you want to read more than the 700 words featured on Pop-Ups last July, feel free to buy a copy (see https//beatentrackpublishing.c
Have just pre-ordered. Looking forward to reading it! I remember it well xx