Iron Blood & Sacrifice (The Sons of Beli Mawr)

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Hello and Welcome to another from Wales. I will gladly have a read of your book, but with the proviso that if I lose interest I will stop and tell you why I lost interest. Are you OK with this?
Hi Richard,
The only worthwhile criticism in my opinion, is the brutally honest kind. I would love some useful feedback, as up to now, I have only had the kind words and generous praise of friends and family.
I can't attach the mss here, as it is too large, so I can send it to you via email, or Facebook messenger?

Let me know, regards, Eifion
Hi Folks,
I have just published my first historic novel, as an ebook via Kindle, Kobo & Smashwords et al.
No sales or reviews yet but it's early days I know.
Would love to get some reviews and would gladly send anyone interested the original mss on Word, for your perusal.
I'm happy to read and review too. Good Luck.
Hi Barbara,
Thanks for the welcome and the offer. The mss is too large to post here, so I could send it via email, or Facebook messenger perhaps?
Let me know,
Regards, Eifion

I've never done file transfers via Facebook messenger, so yes, let's try that. It'll give me the opportunity to learn how to use this thing.
Hi Richard,
The only worthwhile criticism in my opinion, is the brutally honest kind. I would love some useful feedback, as up to now, I have only had the kind words and generous praise of friends and family.
I can't attach the mss here, as it is too large, so I can send it to you via email, or Facebook messenger?

Let me know, regards, Eifion
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