Intro to Morgan A Collins

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Is political correctness always the best way to go, or is overstepping a line sometimes necessary?

  • Yes, always. There is no excuse for rudeness.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Depends. What is the law of the country you protest in - how many years in prison are we risking?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Hi Pete,

thank you for that very warm welcome.

I sincerely hope you won't regret it, since I'm a nasty gal with opinions.

As you can see on twitter @MorganWords (that's my mischief there), I'm no fan of bullies on the playground and might not always be politically correct in my choice of methods on how to oppose them.
I'd blame my American education for my colourful language, a.k.a. habit of swearing, but in all honesty (there, I can use British phrases too if I have to), it's just me not bothering with digging up the perfectly lovely and peaceful, expertly trained nonviolent communication expert personality I have somewhere deep down.
Oh. And I like long, complex sentences my manuscript critique group critics constantly break up into five individual ones. But I don't write poetry, do I. And I like breaking all the rules. As you can see, starting sentences with "and" and "but". However, I always have an academic explanation for my out-of-line behaviour. My old grandfather used to say "who knows the rules is allowed to break them".
See. Told ya. Nasty gal.

Just to start a conversation, I'm going to introduce a poll about something I am truly and deeply struggling with. Internal battles. Really.
I do strongly believe we should treat each other, without exception, with respect and dignity. Then I see people like Trump. Not to say he wouldn't deserve kindness and ethically correct communication (he might learn something in the process), I wonder if it made any SENSE. What is the point in talking to someone in a language they do not understand?
My question is: Is political correctness always the best way to go, or is overstepping a line sometimes necessary to get attention?
Hello Morgan :) Are we talking here political correctness in the world of writing? That's a topic that comes up here, for sure, as opposed to political discussion. Your question is asking two contradictory questions simultaneously and the Depends option has a leading caveat.

There's unwise or inappropriate behaviour, there's bad behaviour and there's crime. Manners Makyth Man. And by Man I refer to humankind.
....contradictory questions simultaneously... yeah, I know. That's rather the point. My idea was to introduce myself by starting an interesting discussion, not actually to make a poll as in "yes/no" type questions.
Yes of course do manners make man. That means we define Trump as inhuman, right? I mean, in my book (where we treat each other respectfully or leave), he is (an unacceptable person). If he were a kid in class, I'd ignore him until he behaves. The problem is, he isn't. He is a guy with power. Pretending he doesn't exist doesn't work. Thus I applaud J.K.Rowling who said that the same rights of free speech which give him the right to say the offensive things he says grant her the right to call him a hipocritical bigot.
Not very ladylike, her words, but I'd paint them on the walls of every house on the planet. Wouldn't you? But when does speaking our mind about people like him qualify as "out of line" when we look in a mirror?
Last night, I tweeted "In child pornography is more money than in the international arms trade. Who is surprised that Trump came this far?" and my husband nearly got a heart attack. Of course my words are out of line. I still mean them from the bottom of my heart. The world is ruled by (sexual) violence against those who cannot fight back. Trump is a mirror of our society. And to say "his values are a little different from mine" does not begin to cover it!

... a leading caveat.... yeah. So?

Does that clarify anything?
Hey Morgan, welcome! Nasty gals with opinions are my kind of people :D

Yeah, we discuss PC here almost periodically ;) With Trump-like people, one can see it as a basic human right that they deserve to be treated with respect. I personally keep in mind what my grandfather used to say: "When a man meets a pig, one has to be very cautious that it will not turn into a meeting of two pigs". Not really my kind of metaphor because I love pigs, but an illustrative one for sure.

I think everyone should do as they please, but then be ready to take the consequences of their words. In my experience, people using non-PC language or argumentation freak out as soon as you point this out to them. So, I tend to think that it is not their intention to be thought provoking or even to voice their opinions- they just want to be douchebags without being called out on their douchebaggery. Using offensive language just to bring attention to yourself is *the thing* to make me loose attention for someone or their work. It's just the thing to assure me that they probably have not much to offer otherwise.
...a leading

So why did you post the poll, if you did not want it to function as a poll with clear distinctions and choices of response?

Does that clarify anything?

Clinton had his moments.'s saying it's OK and this is a friendly writing community, but what you've mostly clarified here is that you're not interested in discussion, but in going stamp about.
There is political correctness (usually foaming from mouths cleansed with holier-than-thou soap), and then there is basic decency. Mostly they coincide. In case of doubt - I'd recommend basic decency.
Political correctness implies a legislated form of speech and imposed way of thinking that is anathema to most creative thinking - but it does not have to mean that we have to be politically incorrect to prove that we have minds of our own.
Sermon and lecture over - welcome to Litopia.
Welcome Morgan. Where political correctness and basic decency coincide, it's a good place to be. But finally it is an individual choice, or should be.
Political correctness has become such a loaded term that I'd rather just say that I believe in being polite and in treating other human beings with dignity and respect. I try to follow my beliefs, but sometimes, I fall short.

Welcome to the Colony, Morgan.
Welcome to Litopia Morgan.

This is not a politics forum - are you in the right place?

I sure hope so. Why else would we write? In order to admire BUTTERLFIES????

Seriously. A producer once hired me to write song texts asking for "real impact"; "texts which go deep, you know".
I sent him some and he called me back, "Oh man. I can see that you really know what life is about; this hurts, girl. You've seen some things and you sure know how to put them into words, this kind of stuff has to be said. But the thing is, no one wants to hear it. I can't sell music that isn't all happy-go-lucky. Here is an idea. Watch a butterfly and write about how pretty it is. Send me that. With your writing skills, you and I can make a lot of money."

I was nineteen. I didn't send him anything. I'm still writing. I'm not nineteen any more. I still meet people who only publish butterfly stuff and sell it as "provocative and hard-hitting". They certainly will never work with me.
The feeling is mutual.

I chair a novelist's group. I said at my first session, "If you've got nothing to say, don't write." Five people left and never came back. Ten new members came. There is some really good work going on now. I'm proud of it. My excuse to say what I think is, "I'm not British. I'm allowed to cut through the chase, right?" My fellow British writers find that liberating. One guy wrote the best piece I ever read about sex. Without blushing. See, this is where it gets you to be political.

So, Dave, now we've exchanged introductory opinions... why do you write? I hope it's more than the beauty of the flutter of the wing of a butterfly in the early morning mist. (Though that was rather poetic of me here, wasn't it? And no politics, hey!)
Don´t scare her off so soon. Whatever happened to we have cake?
Thanks for jumping to my defence. But if you think I'm scared off that easily, you haven't been paying attention. And where's the cake? Where? Where?
Seriously. I started off with something controversial on purpose, because I find that's a great short cut to getting to know the people around you. It worked - sort of.
There is political correctness (usually foaming from mouths cleansed with holier-than-thou soap), and then there is basic decency. Mostly they coincide. In case of doubt - I'd recommend basic decency.
Political correctness implies a legislated form of speech and imposed way of thinking that is anathema to most creative thinking - but it does not have to mean that we have to be politically incorrect to prove that we have minds of our own.
Sermon and lecture over - welcome to Litopia.
"foaming from mouths cleansed with holier-than-thou-soap" THANK YOU, Edith, this is my new favourite expression. I'm going to copy paste it into every one of my text where I used the word "hypocritical" before. It's so much better. This is why the world needs writers.
This is like people who accuse others of not wanting a discussion just because they don't agree with them.
...a leading

So why did you post the poll, if you did not want it to function as a poll with clear distinctions and choices of response?

Does that clarify anything?

Clinton had his moments.'s saying it's OK and this is a friendly writing community, but what you've mostly clarified here is that you're not interested in discussion, but in going stamp about.
Ouch, that hurts. Yes I actually did want a discussion, but I tend not to agree with everyone around me. Accusations of not wanting a discussion when I disagree are not my idea of a friendly writer's community. There was something about "Be nice to each other" in the intro to this forum.
I sure hope so. Why else would we write? In order to admire BUTTERLFIES????

Seriously. A producer once hired me to write song texts asking for "real impact"; "texts which go deep, you know".
I sent him some and he called me back, "Oh man. I can see that you really know what life is about; this hurts, girl. You've seen some things and you sure know how to put them into words, this kind of stuff has to be said. But the thing is, no one wants to hear it. I can't sell music that isn't all happy-go-lucky. Here is an idea. Watch a butterfly and write about how pretty it is. Send me that. With your writing skills, you and I can make a lot of money."

I was nineteen. I didn't send him anything. I'm still writing. I'm not nineteen any more. I still meet people who only publish butterfly stuff and sell it as "provocative and hard-hitting". They certainly will never work with me.
The feeling is mutual.

I chair a novelist's group. I said at my first session, "If you've got nothing to say, don't write." Five people left and never came back. Ten new members came. There is some really good work going on now. I'm proud of it. My excuse to say what I think is, "I'm not British. I'm allowed to cut through the chase, right?" My fellow British writers find that liberating. One guy wrote the best piece I ever read about sex. Without blushing. See, this is where it gets you to be political.

So, Dave, now we've exchanged introductory opinions... why do you write? I hope it's more than the beauty of the flutter of the wing of a butterfly in the early morning mist. (Though that was rather poetic of me here, wasn't it? And no politics, hey!)
Nice to meet you.

If I wanted to write about butterflies then I would see it as my right to do so and not be told by anyone else that it is wrong. As it is I write because I want it to be my occupation. I would count myself extremely lucky if I could write for a living.
I actually did want a discussion, but I tend not to agree with everyone around me

Discussion between people who agree on absolutely everything is an oxymoronic entity, I believe. But hurling angry/condescending comments at your adversaries will never be one either.

So, Dave, now we've exchanged introductory opinions... why do you write? I hope it's more than the beauty of the flutter of the wing of a butterfly in the early morning mist. (Though that was rather poetic of me here, wasn't it? And no politics, hey!)
This is like people who accuse others of not wanting a discussion just because they don't agree with them.
Ouch, that hurts.

Not cool, babe.

I chair a novelist's group. I said at my first session, "If you've got nothing to say, don't write."

I'm sorry Morgan, but, as David said, you don't get to decide if any of your fellow writers have or haven't something to say. You are also not there to question their motives. None of us knows the secret of "the truest of the true writers". My guess would be because one doesn't exist.

I understand that it was not your intention at all, but I really don't like the direction this thread is going.
I sure hope so. Why else would we write? In order to admire BUTTERLFIES????

Seriously. A producer once hired me to write song texts asking for "real impact"; "texts which go deep, you know".
I sent him some and he called me back, "Oh man. I can see that you really know what life is about; this hurts, girl. You've seen some things and you sure know how to put them into words, this kind of stuff has to be said. But the thing is, no one wants to hear it. I can't sell music that isn't all happy-go-lucky. Here is an idea. Watch a butterfly and write about how pretty it is. Send me that. With your writing skills, you and I can make a lot of money."

I was nineteen. I didn't send him anything. I'm still writing. I'm not nineteen any more. I still meet people who only publish butterfly stuff and sell it as "provocative and hard-hitting". They certainly will never work with me.
The feeling is mutual.

I chair a novelist's group. I said at my first session, "If you've got nothing to say, don't write." Five people left and never came back. Ten new members came. There is some really good work going on now. I'm proud of it. My excuse to say what I think is, "I'm not British. I'm allowed to cut through the chase, right?" My fellow British writers find that liberating. One guy wrote the best piece I ever read about sex. Without blushing. See, this is where it gets you to be political.

So, Dave, now we've exchanged introductory opinions... why do you write? I hope it's more than the beauty of the flutter of the wing of a butterfly in the early morning mist. (Though that was rather poetic of me here, wasn't it? And no politics, hey!)

Was thinking about Butterfiles @Morgan.A.Collins , would you think 'Flutterbys' is a better description than 'Butterflies' ?
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Welcome, Morgan.

Litopia isn’t Reddit. As David said above, “this is not a politics forum”.

If you want to stir up controversy and have a gloves-off argument about something, then there are plenty of other places on the net for that. Practically the whole of the net, in fact.

However, if you want to stick around, introduce yourself properly, meet some of the nicest people on the net and seriously hone your writing craft, then you are indeed in the right place.

You decide.
"foaming from mouths cleansed with holier-than-thou-soap" THANK YOU, Edith, this is my new favourite expression. I'm going to copy paste it into every one of my text where I used the word "hypocritical" before. It's so much better. This is why the world needs writers.
This is like people who accuse others of not wanting a discussion just because they don't agree with them.

Thanks for the kind response.
For info - the dog is Sheba, I'm Les, and I live in a village called Edith Weston. (And I'm a bloke!)
And I think that writers can do a better job of making the world a better place than most politicians.

Provocative thinking is good for writers.

P.S. I really meant to add that confrontation is not always entirely compatible with support - and I value the support on this site.
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