Illustrations with (non-picture book) submissions...yes or no?

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May 5, 2018
This has come from a chat between myself and @Rainbird, whose family has recently provided excellent beta reading services to my fantasy adventure for 6-10-year olds.
I've always envisaged the novel as a chapter book, with illustrations (as befits the reading demographic.)
I was under the impression agents / publishers prefer not to receive illustrations alongside text submissions for anything not specifically designed to be a picture book. Does anyone here know anything about this?
Well, I don't actually know. But you could always mention in your submission email that illustrations are available upon request.

I'm assuming you did the illustrations?

Do any of the agents specify in the guidelines if yay or nay?
This came up in a previous discussion with @AgentPete before your time @KateESal .

The take on it from him was that it is generally best not to submit illustrations unless:

it is a picture book and

you are also the illustrator, working to a professional standard

or the illustrator working with you is professional, and it is a picture book being submitted as a total package

Otherwise, a publisher generally prefers to source their own illustrator.
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