Fanfare! I Woman I Admire

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Rachel Caldecott

Full Member
Nov 13, 2017
Lodeve, France
Just came Runner up in my first ever writing competition, for 500 words about a (real) woman I admire. I won book tokens :) I am ridiculously happy for such a small thing. But it is one in the eye for my 18 year old son, who said, when I told him I'd been shortlisted, "Don't get your hopes up, you'll never win." OK I didn't win, but I am a runner up!! Yahoo!!
I hope you printed out the good news email, and then stuck it on fridge like I said; not just to remind Junior, but also to remind yourself that you can write, and write well. I'm really pleased for you.
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I hope you printed out the good news email, and then stuck it on fridge like I said; not just to remind Junior, but also to remind yourself that you can write, and write well. I'm really pleased for you.
I didn't. But thanks. I had some nice comments from the judges so I'm well chuffed.
Congrats! What will you spend the tokens on?
My daughter has asked for the latest Philip Pullman, so I guess some will go on that (and we'll both read it). Not sure what else yet. It was only £25 of tokens, but I thought of sending the woman I wrote about, £25 to spend on refugees. I might have to wait until next month until money is less tight. But I think she could put it to good use. A Woman I Admire writing competition results | YouByYou Books
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