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The Huddle Huddle August 31st - 5.00pm UK time (BST)

Information about our weekly Writers' Huddle


Staff member
Full Member
Mar 1, 2020
Project in a muddle? Then what you need is the Huddle. The invaluable weekly resource where you can road-test your work.

Every Saturday @AgentPete cordially invites you to share your work in progress, his literary insights and industry experience, or just to join in the fun. If you've yet to attend one of these legendary gatherings then don't hesitate. You'll be made feel more than welcome and chances are you'll likely learn lots too.

Submitting's not mandatory, though. You can just bring yourself and share your thoughts on the pieces others submit, or if you prefer, just get involved in the general chat.

Pete says: "Huddles are an integral part of what sets Litopia apart. Huddles happen every week. As a Full Member, you are encouraged to attend as often as you’d like: but if you can, it’s best to become a regular weekly Huddler.

Experience tells us that writers hone their craft incrementally: it takes time to grow into your writer’s skin. It’s a process that can’t be hurried – and that’s the beauty of Huddles.

You’ll find that regular attendance at Huddles will naturally support your own development as a writer. Huddles allow you to grow at your own pace. Submit your work for critiques whenever you want to, and at other times, help to give critiques to other writers – under the guidance of your host Peter Cox. You’ll learn more from regular attendance at Huddles than you will from a one-off, expensive writing seminar – we promise.

Here’s the typical format (all times are UK, see note on time zones below).

4:30pm – 5:00pm The Salon

Join us and your fellow writers for half an hour’s open-house literary salon… Always enjoyable, frequently hilarious!

5:00pm – 5:30pm The Zeitgeist

Writers more than most other people need to be in tune with the current zeitgeist. Here’s where you do it. If you’ve just spotted an emerging genre, mention it here. Or a surprise bestseller. This is where we exchange information about cultural trends and topics... insider trading at its finest!

5:30pm – 7:00pm – The Workshop

For the next 90 minutes, we roll up our sleeves and perform surgery (major or minor) on Huddlers’ works-in-progress. This is where you’ll hone your craft, week by week. Bring along whatever you’re wrestling with: titles, blurbs, first chapters or query letters. Or simply bring your own good self and participate as much (or as little) as you feel like!"

Who Can Take Part?

All Full Members are entitled to attend Huddles: it’s included in your membership.
If you’re not yet a Full Member, upgrade now.

How To Join

You MUST reserve your place for each week’s Huddle. It’s very easy to do – simply reply to this thread saying “I’d like to come!”

You will then be included in the Private Group in the Huddle Hangout (created Weds or Thurs). It will contain the Zoom meeting link and it is where you may upload any work you’d like critiqued.

A Note On Time Zones

If you’re not in the UK (and many/most members aren’t) then we have to grapple with the impact of Daylight Saving Time. The best way to check the start time in
your local area is to visit TimeAndDate.com and create a new event with the event location set to London UK. You’ll then be shown local times all over the world.