How we write outside our homes whilst living in them.

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Wish I had space outside for that, but alas I don't. In Oz I had a large verandah though were I did a lot of writing when it was too hot to stay inside, 37C plus is not exactly inspiring ;)
Ooo I love that! I have a picnic bench in the garden... or an 8.5 acre field over the hill filled with horses and a goat, next to geese and chickens and ducks and a harris hawk (plus a wild pair) and of course mr Turkey... How could I leave out Mr Turkey ;)
Interesting image. Fun. At least it has a cup of tea and an animal- not poss to write without those.
I like that picture very much! It makes me feel content, and I'm not too sure why. Does anyone else have pictures they can remember from their childhood, or whenever, that have just made them feel safe? I have a couple and for some reason this image hits the same spot!

Also, totally agree @AliG ! I have a cuppa on my right and a cat on my knee. :p Which I guess means I should probably get to work...:confused:
I don't have any pictures, but i always feel safe in any place where i can be surrounded by trees. I remember when i was around 10 yrs old, my family went on holiday to Cheddar Gorge, I cant remember the name of the campsite but it had a small grove of trees next to the... ablutions hut, I used to love standing inside and pretend faeries were watching me :p
Nice picture - somewhat Escher-like. I see it as the man taking dictation from the dog which is ghost-writing [-dictating?] the screenplay of Marley and Me. The dog never made any money from this.
Ten minutes walking or five by bike, from where I live; under a shade tree, on a small hill overlooking the Detroit River, there is an old wooden picnic-table. It's normally not occupied and I sometimes spend an afternoon there with my laptop. There's lots of traffic on the river in the form of pleasure craft and the odd lake freighter. Off to the left, an unobstructed view of downtown Detroit. I could go on . . .
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