Paul Whybrow
Full Member
Given that enormous importance is placed on how a story begins, with literary agents commonly asking for the first three chapters in a submission, there are some useful tips in this article:
How to Start a Story: 9 Tips From Our Editors
It's commonly said that it's the first five pages that determine the saleability of a novel, so anything that helps is useful. Although I can honestly say, that I have never ever chosen a novel by browsing the opening pages. I've certainly been annoyed by some beginnings—not a thing to do to a reader at any stage—from agent to critic to the customer in a bookshop.
How to Start a Story: 9 Tips From Our Editors
It's commonly said that it's the first five pages that determine the saleability of a novel, so anything that helps is useful. Although I can honestly say, that I have never ever chosen a novel by browsing the opening pages. I've certainly been annoyed by some beginnings—not a thing to do to a reader at any stage—from agent to critic to the customer in a bookshop.