How to Not Write A Novel

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Sep 25, 2014
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To learn. Inspired curiosity, having got so much from books, what might I produce, myself?
To MAKE for the sake of making, acquiring craft.
To draw on a well, see what comes up in the bucket
To explore within a great tradition
To try and understand or convey something about certain experiences
To visit an inner world but not come out empty with reading Tarot.
For love
For fun
For pride
To spin fortune's wheel
To be a ship looking at a lighthouse
To be a lighthouse standing alone
To be a ship signalling with passing ships...hallooooooo
To add and to share, with goods to ship.
Very interesting article. I write because I have something to say. I don't write for a market or audience, I don't write what's selling (FYI: young adult dragon novels are not in vogue). The stories are my own, and if someone chooses to read them, I'm ecstatic that the reader took a chance!

But I follow these rules:

1) Wait for inspiration
2) Nurture the seed of an idea. See if it grows a beginning, middle, and an ending.
3) Take notes. Flesh out the beginning, middle and end. Discover the characters and how they fit. Discover side plots, but don't lose sight of the big picture. This can be done in a few months (crappy novel) or over 15 years (magnum opus).
4) Organize notes into an outline.
5) Start writing when no one is looking. Finish in 1-4 years.
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Good responses here. Yes, the voices have got to get onto paper and out of my head.
I will also add that I write what I like to read and can't find enough of, light clean fiction.
Plus, it's a lot of fun and I feel good about myself when I'm writing, something is missing otherwise.
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