Question: How Many Ghost Points in Your Score

Blog Post: Everything is Writing

Inspiration! New Science on Creativity

I'd like to know more about the metric this scoring is based on. How is "seen a ghost" worth less than "took part in a ouija board"??
There's a ghost story in that question. My grandmother did table tapping when she was a teen. Sit around a small card table with your hands on it and ask questions. She swore it went on 3 legs and tapped yes or no with the 4th. So she bought a ouija board for us grandkids. This was before the Exorcist and evangelical preachers reconvinced their congregation that demons are real. There's a weird history of methodists/anapaptists with ghosts. They always encouraged the idea of ghosts because therefore - afterlife. The answers we got from "John" on the board made my grandmother put the "game" on the top shelf of her closet. Found it again after she died. Nope was not tempted.
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Blog Post: Everything is Writing

Inspiration! New Science on Creativity
