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The wisdom of psychopaths sounds like something that teaches you how to become one.

She isn't making notes is she? If so I suggest you take the axe back. ;)
Now you come to mention it...that glint in her eye...
If anyone feels the need to exorcize any mental demons, may I recommend this mental enema: (in case you are wondering what the evil sounding German song is about - it is a recipe for a cake with no eggs)
People love the illusion that they can get rid of bad feelings by putting them into someone else through mental or physical violence and I've come to think of psychopathy as the result of a sensitive (aspie?) child who has been scared so badly that they lost their conscious connection to their feelings - a complete electrical disconnect. I think that those feelings of terror are best dealt with unconsciously, through art, even for non-psychopaths.
I have a hard time figuring out how my inner world compares to that of other people, but I do know that when something really upsetting happens, sometimes I'll disconnect in some way. My mind feels relatively clear, but I'll notice that my body is shaking. It is an interesting topic to explore in a literary fashion, in any case - mental anomalies are so steeped in shame.

I suspect true psychos are born not made, though I am also sure environment can do an awful lot of desensitisation. But I will have a read of the book and report back.
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