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Pam Amos

I've just joined up. Looks like a great place to network. I am looking to hone my skills as a writer. At the moment, I love to write picture books and mind, body & spirit books. I have several completed manuscripts that I would love to see published.

I have worked as a nurse, a business owner, a sales rep for a toy company, and a freelance writer for the magazine Photoshop Creative. I currently work in a school library and sell my artworks through POD websites.

My picture book, ‘What Are You Doing?’ won first place in the 2009, CYA Writing & Illustrating Competition – Brisbane Writer’s Festival and I have self-published a series of children’s picture books for the scrapbooking industry.

I look forward to getting to know you all.

Wishing you all a smiley day.
Pam :)
Super-belated hello Pam! How have you been? You'll pick up a lot of new ideas here — glad to add a writer of picture books and mind/body/spirit to our ranks finally!

Welcome Pam. I lived south of Brisbane for a couple of years. Not many agents in Oz, hope you find what you want and enjoy the journey.
Dude, Alistair — you've lived everywhere. How is it you've lived everywhere?

Welcome to someone else in the Southern Hemisphere! I'm in NZ. This is a lovely bunch of folks (though a bit...odd...um, in a good way...hehehehe ;)
You know, you can actually say

Super-belated hello Pam! How have you been? You'll pick up a lot of new ideas here — glad to add a writer of picture books and mind/body/spirit to our ranks finally!

Dude, Alistair — you've lived everywhere. How is it you've lived everywhere?

You know, you can actually say


Did I ever tell you that I did a reverse Ground Hog Day when I moved here? Instead of reliving Groundhog Day over and over again like in the movie, I skipped the day entirely. Weird...The good think about it is that when I forget someone's birthday (which I ALWAYS do...don't even remember my own most years), I can sometimes still wish them a happy birthday on time, because of the time difference.
Super-belated hello Pam! How have you been? You'll pick up a lot of new ideas here — glad to add a writer of picture books and mind/body/spirit to our ranks finally!

Dude, Alistair — you've lived everywhere. How is it you've lived everywhere?

You know, you can actually say

Hi Jason.....thanks for the Hello..... :)
Cause Jason I'm a Time Lord.... lol :p
Did I ever tell you that I did a reverse Ground Hog Day when I moved here? Instead of reliving Groundhog Day over and over again like in the movie, I skipped the day entirely. Weird...The good think about it is that when I forget someone's birthday (which I ALWAYS do...don't even remember my own most years), I can sometimes still wish them a happy birthday on time, because of the time difference.
I have every respect for those with the chops to handle temporal relocation — that's a tough business.
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