Hi and I just got great news!

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Jan 6, 2018
Ansonia, Connecticut
Hi Agent Pete and everyone. My name is Tess and I just joined last week. Since then, I, too, have been struggling with cold - hoping it's not flu!
But! Good news today! I finally had an agent respond positively to my query and request the first 100 pages! Some joy even a cold cannot damper! Just wanted to share my good news!
Hello...and that is good news. A buying signal! Where there is one, there may be another, whatever happens next. Good luck.
Welcome - how fantastic. I’m still hoping for the moment someone says yes please can I publish your book.
Well, not so great news, after almost two months, just got the news that agent interested in January is not going to seek the rest of the manuscript. This agent thought there was nothing wrong with the situation I was arguing against. To be fair, I knew it would take an agent that would be hard to find......
But, oh well, back to my search.
Chin up @TessH

Without rejection we wouldn't refine and review our manuscripts :)

Plenty more Agents and Publishers out there ;)
Ummm, Amber, that means I just got rejected....not so great for me....haha!
Commiserations. Happens to us all, more often than any of us would like. Just keep going. Out of interest, what situation were you arguing against?
It was a buying signal. Where you get one, there will be others if you just keep going, and the rest is luck.

And yes...what was the situation you were arguing against. Marc and I...we want to know :)
Yes, I am not giving up. I was a little confused because the agent who contacted me was VERY interested - according to the email. And in the first ten pages you can clearly see where I am heading...which is what that agent contacted me over. But the person who just rejected me (not the original agent) told me that she decided to pass because I was making an argument she disagreed with....
So, it sounds like the first agent passed it off to the second person - who probably wouldn't have wanted to read the first 100 pages in the first place!
A little frustrating....
But, I am not giving up....
Don’t overthink it and don’t read too much into who sends the rejection - agents often have assistants. If they think they might be interested in something they are often very enthusiastic in case the have to compete with other agents but once they decide it’s not for them the rejection is often brief.

I’m curious though. Is this non fiction? If it’s fiction what sort of an argument are you presenting?
Fictional story. Based on my personal experience. However, I am taking on a government system. It IS an argument that has been put forward by lawyers and counselors, but public consensus is 50/50 depending on which side of the fence you've experienced life.
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