Hello World!

Hello - newbie saying hello

Book Fox

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Hi Peter, welcome aboard! :)

What kind of them (or it) are your 80k words?
It’s Beauty and the Beast with office technology instead of magic. Bel gets a job with a boss who is a tech millionaire but will not let anyone see him. She has to carry a kind of tablet through which he can interact with people. A complicated relationship develops and... well, you know roughly how the story goes!
It’s Beauty and the Beast with office technology instead of magic. Bel gets a job with a boss who is a tech millionaire but will not let anyone see him. She has to carry a kind of tablet through which he can interact with people. A complicated relationship develops and... well, you know roughly how the story goes!
Sounds like an intriguing concept!
Welcome to Litopia Pete...
The write place to be...:)
Welcome to the Colony, Peter. My first draft completed at 46,000 words. After some revision it had increased to 55K. A year later the word count had climbed to 76K and, after some major editing, now sits at 62,000 words.
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Hello - newbie saying hello

Book Fox
