Having fun with AI

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Chris Yugay

Oct 28, 2019
Rotterdam, Netherlands
I do not think that AI can make the humanity happier or even more comfortable but neither do I think that it will bring about the end of the world. It can be a fun toy though. I have been playing with NightCafe to generate period portraits of some of my favorite writers and have had some interesting results. Thought I'd share some of them with you. See below: Peter Benchley as Captain Ahab, Ray Bradbury as a fireman, Caleb Carr in the style of Dante Rossetti and Neil Gaiman by Thomas Gainsborough.


  • Peter Benchley as Captain Ahab.jpg
    Peter Benchley as Captain Ahab.jpg
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  • NWXWatxi1f3yzaZpCC50--1--y7cm2.jpg
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  • MNOCWmKCXDDCW3AxFofq--1--lcuuf.jpg
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  • Neil Gaiman Gainsborough.jpg
    Neil Gaiman Gainsborough.jpg
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I just realized that none of the portraits are right-facing. This brings up an interesting question: is it a coincidence or is this bias part of the NightCafe's code?
Interesting, but I don't feel the experiment really added anything to my knowledge of the writers or books. The next stage is maybe getting a grasp of night cafe as a tool. More you-less AI? My comparison is with digital photography. I never wanted to give up my Nikon, but couldn't go back now. Whereas before I had to make every shot count-now I can play and experiment because I dont have to pay for development and film. Also I think a lot of photos I see are beginning to look alike because AI presets etc are hard sold on places like Neoluminar. But I've been able to make really unique pics by using it as a tool. I have hopes that AI will be the same kind of advance for writers. I'd love to have a tool that would read it with an editors mind and tell me where the characters are beginning to sound alike etc... On the other hand I would like to strangle autocorrect.
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