Has the "Bravery gone out of publishing?"

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Sep 25, 2014
Just sharing for info. Thread seen on twitter this morning, started by a very famous book illustrator, Jackie Morris (one here for your super talented daughter @Rachel Caldecott )

Jackie Morris has an agent at David Higham Associates.

Jackie Morris said: I am so fed up with publishing at the moment. It doesn’t matter what we create, how hard we work, at the end of the day our books are sold at a discount to the large retailers, undermining publishers, bookshops, authors, illustrators and readers. It’s not a functioning industry.

Meanwhile we are told there isn’t enough money for a living advance while princes, ex duchesses, pop stars and chefs get all the large sums….
I want publishing to be a level playing field. The net book agreement back. I love physical books and the beauty of them. Also, this isn’t about me. It is about a diverse industry. And without fair pay there’s no such thing as diversity.


The indies are taking the risks. But the big 5 are buying up the bookshelves with crazy discounts to retailers.- BlueMoose Publishing

It’s not necessarily the industry’s fault, we all rely on readers to buy books at full price.

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At least your books may be displayed in bookshops. Whereas an indie author's book is not pictured anywhere, and if requested for a sale, the purchaser is told: "Ask the author to send you a copy." Not an industry's bootlace...
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