Don't worry
@Eva Ulian, you'll get to know where it all is and what it all means soon enough. Just have fun finding out!
Yes, to both your questions: born into a Catholic family, and yes, it was in the 70s, when record players were state-of-the-art technology. Re your vocation question, sadly I'm not the person to answer it. My views on man-made religions (as opposed to God/Spirit/Universe...) might offend a lot of people so I keep my mouth shut.
I grew up in Glasgow... came out of school one day when I was about 9 and a gang of (protestant) boys asked me if that was my school. I was as honest as I was naive. I said yeah. So you're a Catholic? Yeah... Well, they beat the crap out of me. And I'm sure some poor wee protestant lass was having the same kind of trouble in another part of the city with a Catholic gang. I didn't hold it against them (much), but my lovely dad, once he'd mopped up my tears and calmed down, took me out into the garden and taught me some basic self defence I remember to this day. God bless him. (And my poor mum was wringing her hands saying Don't teach her violence, don't teach her violence! And they wonder why I grew up with conflicting voices in my head

) And would you believe I grew up and married a protestant! We still have good fun insulting each other